There’s a lot of advice out there. Gartner, Forrester, et. Al, along with more white papers than you can shake a stick at. Cutting through the noise, we’ll focus on hearing directly from those organizations tackling the data challenges of today while preparing for the future with a semantic lens. These firms are developing solutions to escape the high-cost and low-value of data integration cycles with semantic curation as an underlying framework to seamlessly connect to, access, and query all data sources relevant to the enterprise. 

FEBRUARY 12 & 13, 2024

100% Virtual

Can’t attend all sessions – NO PROBLEM. All sessions will be recorded for viewing convenience and can be leveraged for socialization purposes throughout your organization.

Want to bring others from your organization? Contact us at for bulk discounts.

Data Transformation comes in many forms. As many are finding, it’s hard to get results. Being able to capture, connect, integrate, and convert data into insight for business decisions from complex processes, systems, and rules remain elusive.

Whether reimagining a new strategy, seeking to accelerate data optimization, or attempting to capture what industry leaders are doing to develop a competitive edge, this symposium is for you. Data-Centric practitioners, data innovators, as well as business leaders seeking disambiguated and trusted data should register and learn from their peers, including …

  • Head of Risk, Compliance & Regulatory
  • Digital Transformation
  • Head of Customer Experience
  • Global Supply Chain resilience
  • Sustainability
  • Product Development
  • VP of Innovation
  • Knowledge / Information Management

Data transformation can feel uncertain, but it doesn’t need to be that way. The Enterprise Data Transformation Symposium will instill confidence to become more effective and efficient by example. You’ll see …

  • How industry leaders are achieving data-centricity for enriched contextual metadata consistency, enhanced data trust and improved quality across the enterprise.
  • Insights and make better decisions based on knowledge sharing across environments.
  • How to break and dissolve silos.
  • How to open the door to enterprise automation (AI / ML) opportunities for incorporating re-usable and interoperable capabilities.
  • Improved clarity in terms business users understand, so they can act on this information to enhance enterprise AI applications.

What You Can Expect at This Year’s DCAF Symposium

Our lineup of experts is shaping up to make this year’s symposium invaluable. Revisit for updates as our event nears.

Confirmed Speakers for this Year’s Lineup:

Ben Gardner

Solutions Architect – Knowledge Management

R&D Data Office approach to FAIR Data-centric Information Architecture

Stratos Kontopoulos

Knowledge Engineer, Knowledge Scientist, Semantic AI at Foodpairing AI

Taste the Future: How the Foodpairing Knowledge Graph is Revolutionizing Food Product Development


Ravi Bajracharya

Knowledge Graph Engineer at

Linking biomedical knowledge in graphs

Alessandro Oltramari

Senior Research Scientist at Bosch

Incorporation of Semantic tech solutions married together with AI of automotive efficiencies

Sergey Fogelson

VP of Data Science at TelevisaUnivision

Using data products for personalization and drive incremental revenue via targeted audience targeting capabilities

Highlights of Last Year’s Symposium

2023 Enterprise Data Transformation Symposium (Bonus) – Martin Romacker
Gregor Wobbe – Enterprise Data Transformation Symposium 2023
FAIR for Free with Data-Centricity
Alan Morrison – Enterprise Data Transformation Symposium 2023

Resources to Further Explore the Power of Knowledge Graphs

Semantic Arts

The Data-Centric Transformation Space.

A place to learn from the innovators of the data-centric community.

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